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Wellness Coaching

Integration Session

Integration is the bedrock of lasting transformation, and Christina offers you the key to unlocking its power through two comprehensive 50-minute integration sessions. These vital sessions are thoughtfully spaced, with one scheduled 7–10 days following your journey and the other 14–18 days later. However, it's essential to note that the option to schedule additional sessions is always available, providing the flexibility needed to tailor the experience to your specific journey.

These post-journey sessions serve as the bridge that artfully connects the breadcrumbs of insight and the intentions you so carefully set during your transformative voyage. Christina, your seasoned guide, will be there to walk with you as you navigate these trails of self-discovery. Together, you will make sense of the profound experiences and revelations that unfolded during your journey.

Embrace Your Journey With Ecstasy Wellness

Ready to embark on a transformative path to well-being and self-discovery? We're here to answer your questions and help you take the first step towards a brighter future. Reach out to us using the form below, and let's begin this transformative journey together.